Community Ground Rules

No Small Talk Denver sees community ground rules an essential tool to creating a safe and respectful container. The ground rules are a live agreement.  This means we may add more rules throughout the event. As a participants, we expect you to engage with and encourage the respect of these guidelines.

  • Technology-Free Zone: You are encouraged to check-in your cell phone at the start of the event and check-out at the end. We understand that personal and work situations arise that prevent you from doing this.
  • Confidentiality: What others share with you is not shared outside of the event. Ask for permission if you’d like to continue discussing something someone shared.
  • Step Up, Step Back: If you are someone that often speaks up with others, experience what it’s like to step back. If you are someone that often stays quiet with others, encourage yourself to engage.
  • Full Listening: Every person is invited to speak without being interrupted or offered advice.
  • Speak from ‘I’: Speak from your experience. Answer questions using first person, I.

By signing up and attending our events, you agree to these ground rules. Additional ground rules are added at each event based on the community’s needs.