Our Mission

We are reclaiming the sense of community and humanity that is available, yet untapped.

We Talk Real Talk is a mission driven for-profit organization. We create technology-free spaces with real conversations. You can interact with people in a meaningful way.

You sit down and really talk and listen.

You matter and you remind us that we do too.   

Our Vision

We envision a world where people prioritize real, live interaction over technology-based communication. A way of living that allows you to connect in ways that are real, authentic, and genuinely human.

We want you to celebrate vulnerability and honest communication.  We know practicing that is a means to healing within our communities and beyond.

Our Commitment

We are an organization rooted in both presence and action. We commit to opening up conversations for people of all life experiences. We understand that it’s through our personal stories that invites connection and a sense of well being.

We commit to inclusivity and compassion. We cultivate this through establishing community ground rules at each event.

We commit to creating technology-free spaces.

We commit to encouraging unheard voices, celebrating the uniqueness of each being, and cultivating connection, community, and belonging.